Omer 6
Prix, Records & Reconnaissances
World record for speed
(4,642 knots)
First place overall
First place for speed in its category
Special mention for innovation
Special mention for the design

The Omer 6 submarine was built in the period 2006-2007. This submarine was built to compete in a category the club had never entered before, namely propellerless powered submarines. The challenge required the design of a new propulsion system which was developed by the team.
The solution found consists of flapping wings on each side of the hull which move up and down. Additionally, the hull of the submarine is made of carbon fiber with a high-density foam core.
To date, it is the fastest single-seat propellerless submarine. In his first competition, he broke a new world record: 4,642 knots. This mark was then improved during the10th International Submarine Race in Bethesda (Maryland US) in 2009 to reach 4,916 knots thanks to new wings.
The Omer Club also took on a new challenge and was used to make the final leg of the fantastic journey of Odysseus, King of Ithaca on his return from the Trojan War to Greece.
Lloyd Godson, marine biologist and aquanaut was the instigator of this project called Life Amphibious. The epic took the submarine in the footsteps of the Greek hero with a route from the island of Kefalonia to that of Ithaca.
A very different challenge from our usual 100 meter races as the team had to deal with the distance, the salt water and the marine environment. The submarine was therefore sent to Greece before being launched. During this journey, Lloyd cycled a distance of 25 km at a depth of 7 meters. This excursion demonstrated another aspect of the Omer team, its ability to adapt to the new challenge and to transcend its discipline.
See the full article on this here: http://www.lloydgodson.com/life-amphibious.html
Publications of OMER 6
YouTube video, pool tests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz2UGLLeusg
YouTube video, pool tests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh46yot1u9A
YouTube video, making Omer 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOCT4aE_IE0
Article from our partner BABCOCK: https://babcockcanada.com/babcock-canada-sponsored-e-t-s-team-wins-international-innovation-prize/
Omer 6 is now taking a well-deserved retirement at Cégep de Jonquière